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unequal treatment中文是什么意思

用"unequal treatment"造句"unequal treatment"怎么读"unequal treatment" in a sentence


  • 不公正的待遇
  • 不平等待遇


  • More and more people senses the weak races to be subjected unequal treatment
  • This is hardly what comes to mind in debates over issues of injustice , such as the unequal treatment of men and women
  • A bleak report by the eu chamber of commerce in china notes a fresh threat : the unequal treatment of foreign companies by newly muscular chinese regulators
  • American blacks resented the unequal treatment , but most tolerated it ? until a black woman named rosa parks did the unthinkable by refusing to give up her seat on a montgomery bus to a white passenger
  • The concept of protection of reliance was introduced by domestic scholars to regulate the revocation of beneficial administrative decisions . but the concept is just applied in very limited circumstances , and it doesn ’ t cover the change of policy and unequal treatment in the administration
  • Traditional stereotypes of females as inferior to or weaker than males frequently appear in all types of textbooks . even in teacher - student interaction , studies have found teachers to be inclined to give more attention and learning opportunities to male students . female students from the lower strata of society , or from aboriginal families , also suffer a greater amount of unequal treatment at school
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